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Launch Event

A New Formula for Relationships

Discover Your Identity.
Design Your Relationships.

Grow Strong Social Networks.
Connect with Compatible People.
Develop Personal and Professional Relationships.
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A New Formula For Well-Being

Engineer Consciousness.
Design Relationships.

Awareness to BE Alive and Connected
Freedom to DO Exploration and Growth
Influence to HAVE Status and Contribution
Wisdom to BUILD your Life and the World
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Brian Shkodrani

— Founder & Coach

Transform Your Love Life: Consciousness Re-Engineering, Identity Design, and the Spiritual Science of Relationships

Master the Art of Love: How to Attract, Keep, Improve, or Let Go

Do you feel truly connected, or does loneliness creep in even when you’re surrounded by people who care about you?

If you’re tired of endless swiping on dating apps and wasting time in bars, wondering why you still don’t have a healthy, fulfilling relationship just like you have a successful business or career, this is for you. 

We have the solution. It’s called XYZ.

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$1B Q: How Can Anyone Build Meaningful Relationships That Fulfill Individually And Contribute Socially?

Answer: By merging the latest tools and discoveries in cognitive neuroscience and psychology with the timeless wisdom of ancient civilizations. At Brainergy, we integrate universal insights into practical mental frameworks, emotional rituals, and behavioral tools that will upgrade your relationships and quality of life.

7 Steps to a Renewed Love Life:

NOTE: Some of our products are still under development. Join our mailing list and stay tuned to find out when we launch new amazing products!


Brainergy's Dating & Relationships Toolkit

Tailored for people who crave connection and intimacy.

1:1 Coaching


Get personalized coaching to overcome immediate dating and relationship challenges while accelerating your journey towards a long-term, fulfilling love life.

Online Sessions


Video-call sessions featuring in-depth immersions, neural rewiring exercises, and customized behavioral action plans and strategies.

Book Now

Group Programs


Group coaching that harnesses the power of community wisdom and accountability partners. Gain insights from others' experiences and find the motivation to build meaningful connections and thrive.



Weekly group sessions featuring games, quizzes, challenges, and a supportive community of fellow self-actualizers.

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Live Events


The fastest connections and relationship growth happen when you immerse yourself in high-energy growth environments alongside others who share your passion for building meaningful relationships.

Deep Immersions


Experience 1-7 days of intensive growth and transformation through deep dives into personal work and group energy.

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What some of our 300+ Brainergizers say...

about their life transformation while working with us.
Susanne Pacher
Brian is a holistic mental health expert who has helped me greatly in dealing with some personal and professional challenges for over a year now. With his guidance and support, I have made great strides in improving my personal life and my professional journey. Brian goes beyond the call of duty and has truly cared about my well-being. I am astounded at his overall knowledge of business, marketing, psychology, mental health, current affairs, and his extremely sophisticated manner of communicating in English.
Real Estate Investor
Lauren ell
Hey Brian!! I just wanted to pop by and tell you I posted my new show!!! I faced my fears!!!! And the freakin thing ended up getting a million views in a DAY!!!! 🤯🤯🤯 Thank you SO much for helping me get past my limiting beliefs at a time, where I never could have done it on my own. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t know if my new show would be posted by now. Your work with me will forever mean the world to me. 🙏🏼🙏🏼✨
Content Creator
Jonathan Guarinoi
My thoughts are literally changing after our calls. I’m developing such a healthier and realistic relationship with my actions and growth. Today I was driving home thinking about something and instead of judging myself for it, I recognized that it didn’t have value in my life anymore and kind of laughed at it and like the seasons of our lives, I started to feel it pass. Thank you 🙏
Jonathan G.
Fitness Coach
I reached out to Brian about 3 years ago when I was still a student in college because I had relationship issues going on and I wasn't sure how to deal with them being in a new country by myself. Brian was the only person who could relate through this tough period of my life and help me solve my issues with a step-by-step oranized approach. To this day, I'm still using some of the tools and methods he taught me back then.
Pranav P.
IT Professional
Cameron Krone
I want to give a very high recommendation for Brian, a life coach who's been instrumental with helping me improve and become a well-rounded person. He's helped me both in a business and personal setting and he's one of the most thoughtful people I know. He could be incredibly helpful for a lot of people. Something I learned is how not to be concerned about things I cannot control and focus on what I can do better every single day.
Cameron C.

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How Do We Measure Our Positive Impact?

Listen to what some of our 300+ client-friends have to say...
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How it works?

Guaranteed Transformation Within 90 Days

Didn't see any change in your life? We'll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Most of the time, we know exactly what the right thing to do is… and we still don’t do it. Why?

Because changing anything in life is harder than sticking with what’s familiar. Stepping out of your comfort zone to improve your health, emotions and relationships is more daunting than dealing with problems you know and endure daily.

Your brain naturally resists change through ego-defense mechanisms, finding excuses, or placing blame and responsibility on others. This resistance keeps you from embracing the most essential aspect of being human: self-determination.

So, do you want life and relationships to happen to you? Or do you want to make them happen?

Kickstart Your Growth Journey Today

Book your free session right away.
Note: This session won't be free forever.
This is a special offer for Brainergy's launch.

*Please note: Missing your appointment without prior cancellation or rescheduling will result in no opportunity for a second appointment.

First Session + Personalized Plan
Share your challenges and experience a transformational session with Brainergy. Gain clarity and receive 3 concrete, actionable steps. Walk away with a personalized plan designed for your journey towards a fulfilling love life.
Consciousness Re-Engineering
Dive into the Brainergy and XYZ frameworks. Conduct our in-depth Brainergy self-assessments tests. Obtain a comprehensive toolkit of consciousness engineering techniques tailored to transform your mindset and relationship patterns.
Life, Relationship & Business Design
Achieve personal, social, and professional growth. Our holistic approach ensures that whether you focus on your personal development, love life, business, or career, you'll design the reality you deserve in each area. Enhance your relationships while excelling in your professional life.
Reality Shift - New Love Life Unlocked
Within the first 90 days of the program, your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors will transform. You'll feel like a new person, and your external reality will begin to align with your newly defined identity. Experience profound changes in your love life and overall well-being.
Let the transformation begin

Book Your Coaching Session Now

The best investment you will ever make is in your own self-development!

Live Events

The secret to lasting transformation is deep immersion.

What if you discovered

Love at First Site: A Dating Approach to Successful Marketing

Where the worlds of digital marketing and dating beautifully intertwine. Discover the secrets of personal branding and strategic communication to enhance both your marketing and dating lives. Learn how to present your authentic self in a captivating way, understand your 'target audience,' and use the principles of engagement and conversion to form lifetime connections.
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